Vesputi- Mobility Solution

Design native (iOS and Android) app of the web solution-

Paarmita Bhargava
2 min readFeb 2, 2021


I need to identify 2 functions and/or components that will cause the biggest complexity between the Native Android and the Native iOS Platform.

How would you propose to resolve the complexity with the goal to stick as close as possible to the available Android and iOS components, while delivering an intuitive and user-friendly design?



iOS only recommends one method of top-level navigation: via the Tab Bar. On the other hand, Android has three methods: the Navigation Drawer, the Bottom Navigation Bar, and Tabs. Android also has a built-in tool for reverse navigation.


According to the HIG, content on iOS behaves the following way during scrolling: the Navigation Bar is reduced in width, and the Toolbar disappears. But in general, iOS developers can configure any kind of behavior for content and bars during scrolling.

Material Design suggests more options for behavior during scrolling. For example, the Bottom Navigation Bar, Search Bar, and Bottom App Bar can disappear during scrolling. The Top App Bar can also disappear or move above the primary content.

Other Usability and Accessibility

  1. Date picker
  2. Typography
  3. Search input: On both iOS and Android, search is a common yet highly flexible control.
  4. Shadows & Elevation: Material Design uses elevation for cards, floating buttons, etc but iOS has no shadows.
  5. Checkbox vs radio selection controls

The new native apps defined their own style which does not favor a particular “Android” or “iOS” style- they simply have their own stylized UI wrapped in a smartphone. Because in the end we are designing the app for users which are the same for both iOS and Android.

